Chiropractic Physical Therapy Acupuncture Massage Therapy

“For every inch of forward head posture, it can increase the weight of the head on the spine by an additional 10 pounds.” -Kapandji, Physiology of Joints, Vol 3.
“Your body has a remarkable capacity to begin healing itself, and much more quickly than people had once realized, if you simply stop doing what's causing the problem.” Dean Ornish, M.D.
“Forward head posture leads to long term muscle strain, disc herniations, arthritis and pinched nerves.” The Mayo Clinic, Nov. 3rd, 2000
“For every inch of forward head posture, it can increase the weight of the head on the spine by an additional 10 pounds.” Kapandji, Physiology of Joints, Vol 3.
"Phantom limb pain is a beneficial metaphor which can help patients understand they may have been overestimating the “threat value” of their pain. Clearly pain can be present even if the tissue is gone, so PAIN CAN OUTLAST THE INJURY & BE PRESENT INDEPENDENT OF HARM." Dr. Craig Liebenson, D.C. -Magic, Brain Science & Pain Management.
“90% of the stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated by the movement of the spine”
Dr. Roger Sperry, Nobel Prize Recipient for Brain Research